Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sea kayaking. milford. cont

This is the 'Sterling' waterfall, after being dropped off in the boat just passed it we headed straight for it in our tiny yellow kayaks!

we were told by our guide 'Danger' (thats his name, not what he told us) that we could go as close as we want but if you get sucked in or flipped it can be quite dangerous although he assured us he d come to our rescue. Well after a quick chat DD said she was keen so in we went!!! the experience was intense, massive splash, huge wind and narley waves, it was a case of head down and paddle. we got reasonably close with danger taking photos and although he didnt get us at our furthest in you can still see the size and force from these pics. it was awsome and Dani was fearless...thats my girl!!!

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